Dog Pa
rks on Mars has been many, many years in the making. This story was originally inspired by a weird space dream, and a goofy photoshop depiction of my crazy catahoula, Pupples, ten years ago. What started as a silly joke, has evolved into the story you will hopefully come to love and cherish- the tale of the evolution of a best friendship between a girl and her dog- and the space pursuits required of both of them, in order to find each other after their paths diverged.
Nested within a fun, nostalgic story about unbreakable bonds and companionship, will be themes that can be understood/related to on different levels, depending on the age of the reader. The story will be multi-dimensional - light hearted for youngest readers, but emotional and deep, for older readers who have a grasp on symbolism and purposeful reading.
Most importantly, it will serve as the legacy of Commander Astro Pupples Wonderdog, Dawgonaut and Leader of the Dog Parks on Mars Expedition - the most perfect friend a girl ever could have asked for!
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